History and Heroes
A Unique Look at BC Sport History
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Every member of the B. C. Sports Hall of Fame has done something special to merit the honours bestowed on him or her. The athletes, the builders and the administrators have all won in one way or another. However, like a great scientist or artist it hasn’t been just victory on the field. More importantly it has been a victory in the mind. In other words, these members of the Hall of Fame fought and won their real victories in their minds and hearts before the first play was made or the first ball was served. The stories in the Hall of Fame are not so much about sports but rather about people who engaged in sports. Enjoy these special quotations from BC Sports Hall of Famers showing how before victory there is always a will to win. Or, as Baron Pierre de Coubertin, founder of the modern Olympics, so aptly put it: “The important thing in life is not the triumph, but the struggle.”